Straight Talk to Men: How to Love your Wife (originally recorded for a Men’s Group, but this talk is applicable for both spouses)




Love one another as I have loved you…”  Fifteen years ago, Patty wrestled with this question and asked, “HOW, Lord?  What does that look like in marriage?”  These questions led Patty and her husband Larry to discover the meaning of authentic love, real intimacy, and the transforming power of God’s grace.  In this talk, Patty speaks directly to men.  It is by far her most important and most personal talk, in which she shares the beauty of married love from lived experience.  Imagine how strong EVERY marriage would be if every husband really knew how to love his wife…  It changes everything.

This is a downloadable talk. When purchased, you can access the downloadable file through the ‘Order Received’ page and your Email notifications.


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